Too Good To Go - Spindle Magic Bag
There is no such thing as waste here at the Forrist, so when we’ve got so much great produce to spare, we pack them in our bags of magic, and offer them to you at a hugely discounted price, which means you’re save money and the planet! You’ll likely open it and wonder what you can do with all of the wonderfully random ingredients you’ve added to your pantry in your bid to rid the world from more waste. We’ve compiled a list below to help you get started.
What’s inside the Spindle Magic Bag?
Organic Wholemeal Spelt Flour
Replacing your regular flour for our organic wholemeal spelt flour is an easy way to get bucketloads of fibre and protein into your diet. Perfect for making cakes, bread, biscuits and pasta.
Organic Dried Apple Cubes
These crunchy little chunks of fruity goodness make for an ideal on-the-go snack with their moreish texture and taste. Or, pour them into your porridge or yogurt for a nutritional boost, a punch of protein and a satisfying bite.
Organic Oat Bran
The more nutritionally loaded part of the oat groat, oat bran makes for a creamy bowl of super-boosted porridge that is packed more densely with dietary fiber, protein and iron than your average oatmeal.
Organic Cornflour
Commonly used to thicken stews, casseroles, soups and sweet and savoury sauces, cornflour is also great for gluten-free baking and breading to add a crunch to your sweet potato fries or mushrooms.
Organic Cornflakes
Organic cornflakes are tasty and naturally gluten-free, making them a perfect everyday breakfast. Try with your favourite plant-based milk and topped with sliced fruit. They're also a great alternative for coating fried foods or as a base for making your own delicious healthy snacks.
Remember to transfer your dry ingredients into an airtight container to help preserve their quality.
Fun Fact about the Spindle tree
The spindle’s botanical name, Euonymus, is from the Greek ‘eu’, meaning ‘good’ and ‘onoma’, meaning ‘name’. This is said to have meant ‘lucky’.
In case you didn’t see, we also have another 'Too Good Too Go' bag up for grabs! So check it out using the link below and see what amazing products can be yours!
Aspen Magic Bag